For a few years now, I’ve been fighting a weird problem: X-CTU (which is a software utility provided by Digi for programming XBee modules) is only available for Windows. I do most of my development in Linux so X-CTU is always a pain to work with. It does run pretty well under Wine if you need to use it with Linux or Mac OS X, but when you run it under Wine, it doesn’t detect any serial ports:


Now of course, we all know that you have to add a symlink in your ~/.wine/dosdevices directory to link Wine to your computer’s serial ports:

# ls -l ~/.wine/dosdevices/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug doug  8 Oct 30 21:30 a:: -> /dev/fd0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug doug 10 Oct 30 21:30 c: -> ../drive_c
lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug doug 10 Mar 29 18:08 com1 -> /dev/ttyS0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug doug 10 Mar 29 18:08 com2 -> /dev/ttyS1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug doug  8 Oct 30 21:30 d:: -> /dev/sr0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug doug  1 Oct 30 21:30 z: -> /

But even after doing that, X-CTU still doesn’t detect anything. All of the workarounds that I have found require you to define a user COM port in X-CTU:


After going through that process, you can pick the user COM port and X-CTU works perfectly fine (aside from not being able to download newer firmware versions from Digi’s site). As soon as you quit X-CTU, though, the user COM ports you have defined are gone. So whenever you re-open X-CTU, you have to redefine your user COM port. It gets old. So that’s the problem I’ve been fighting: having to manually add the user COM port every time I open X-CTU.

Today I got fed up and ran X-CTU with all of Wine’s debugging information enabled so I could get a clear idea of what X-CTU does when it first loads, in an attempt to figure out how to get the serial ports to show up. Good news: I got it working and now my serial ports show up automatically when I open X-CTU!


I’d like to explain how X-CTU detects attached serial ports, what Wine does in response, and finally, how you can get it working for yourself. Let’s dive in!

How X-CTU detects attached serial ports

X-CTU uses Windows’ Setup API to get a list of attached serial ports. I ran it with Wine set for full debugging and traced out the calls to Setup API functions to figure out exactly what it does. It starts out with a call to SetupDiClassGuidsFromName which, given the name of a device class (“Ports” in this case), returns a list of GUIDs that go with that class. Next, it calls SetupDiGetClassDevs with the list of GUIDs to get a list of devices that belong to the Ports class. It goes through the list of devices and requests the “friendly name” of each port by calling SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty. The “friendly name” will look like one of these examples:

  • USB Serial Port (COM5)
  • Communications Port (COM1)
  • Printer Port (LPT1)
  • Blah blah blah port (COM7)

Notice how the friendly name always seems to end with (COM#) and it also includes other ports like printer ports. Well, X-CTU uses this info to detect the port — if the name of the port contains the string “(COM”, then it grabs the number directly after that string and uses it as the COM port number. It also ignores parallel ports.

So to get Wine to correctly populate the list, we need to figure out what Wine is doing in response to the three Windows functions I listed above. This information was readily available by both checking out the debug trace from earlier and also reading the Wine source code. Let’s go there now…

What Wine does when the setup API functions are called

SetupDiClassGuidsFromName searches in the registry for classes named “Port”. I don’t think it behaves exactly like an actual Windows machine, but here’s what it does on Wine. It searches for subkeys of:


and looks for subkeys that have a class matching the name provided to it. In Wine, it finds the class with GUID {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, which according to Microsoft is for COM and LPT ports. Anyway, that’s the single GUID it finds in Wine.

SetupDiGetClassDevs searches in:


for items that match the GUID we found earlier. The above key contains various keys that represent different categories. Then the categories contain keys that represent devices, and the devices contain keys that represent instances of the devices (I believe). The gist of it is that it goes three levels deep through the Enum directory to try to find anything that has a string value “ClassGUID”. If the GUID matches the GUID we found earlier, Wine decides it’s a serial port and returns it in the list of discovered devices. This is the root cause of the whole problem — nothing is put into the registry automatically by Wine for these serial ports. So we’ll definitely need to add this manually, as we’ll see later.

SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty is finally used to get the friendly name for the port. It looks in the same location it looked for the ClassGUID value, but this time it looks for a string called FriendlyName — which, as you guessed it, contains a string in the format of my examples above.

Once I figured this out, I was pretty much home free. So without further adieu, here are the instructions for getting it working.

What to add to the registry

The key (no pun intended) is to add your serial ports as subkeys of:


to satisfy the functions I described in the section above:

  • Create a subkey of Enum and call it SERIAL (although the name you use doesn’t really matter–I believe it searches everything, not just the SERIAL subkey).
  • Create a subkey of SERIAL and call it COM1 (if your port is COM1 — although this name doesn’t really matter)
  • Create a subkey of the COM1 key you just created and call it COM1 also (this name doesn’t really matter either though)
  • In the final COM1 subkey you created, add two string values:
    • ClassGUID — containing the value {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} (the GUID for the Ports class)
    • FriendlyName — containing a name in the format “Serial Port (COM1)” without the quotes of course.
      • Make sure the name ends with the COM port name in parentheses as in this example — (COM1). It has to be that way or it won’t work–it might appear in the list, but it will fail to open unless you do it exactly in that format.
      • This is what X-CTU actually uses to decide which port to open. The other “COM1” subkeys we added in the earlier steps aren’t checked for anything — I just named them that way for clarity while you’re browsing the registry.

You can make these modifications using regedit in Wine (type “wine regedit” in a terminal window). Here’s an example screenshot to make it clear what you have to add:


That’s it! You’re done. The ports should now appear automatically in X-CTU. Assuming you have also created the symlinks in ~/.wine/dosdevices for the COM ports you added, they should also be operational.


This is tested in Ubuntu 12.10 with Wine 1.4.1. I would imagine if you can figure out where the dosdevices folder is to stick the symlinks, it will probably work in Mac OS X as well. Your mileage may vary. Good luck!

This strategy definitely works for X-CTU, but it’s not a generic strategy that will work for any Windows program under Wine. Different programs use different methods to get a list of serial ports. Some programs may check for a different key called PortName next to FriendlyName. X-CTU in particular only checks for FriendlyName. If you’re trying to get this to work with a different Windows program, play around. Check programming tutorials to see the various methods people use to enumerate COM ports on Windows. Figure out which method your particular program is using — disassemble it, check what functions it links against, run it in Wine with debugging enabled, etc. Once you’ve figured it out, use Wine’s debugging facilities (and the Wine source code) to see what Wine is doing in response to the various functions that are called. Chances are good that it is looking into the registry and you just need to tweak your registry to give the Windows functions the results they are expecting.

I hope this helps someone out there someday!

I’ve seen plenty of articles about this topic already, but I’d like to talk about it on my blog as well. It’s a pretty important topic in my opinion.

Let’s say you have a microcontroller peripheral that sends and/or receives a bunch of data. A good example of this type of microcontroller peripheral is a UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter). That’s essentially a fancy name for a serial port–you know, the old 9-pin connectors you’d find on PCs. They were commonly used for connecting mice and modems back before PS/2, USB, and broadband took over. A UART basically does two things: receives data and transmits data. When you want to transmit data, you write a byte to a register in the UART peripheral. The UART converts the 8 bits into a serial data stream and spits it out over a single wire at the baud rate you have configured. Likewise, when it detects an incoming serial data stream on a wire, it converts the stream into a byte and gives you a chance to read it.

I’m actually not going to go into detail about UARTs yet because I feel it’s really important to understand a different concept that we will need to know when we learn about how to use UARTs. That concept is an interrupt-safe circular buffer. This lesson is dedicated to understanding this very important data structure. The next post I write will then go into more detail about UARTs, and that post will use a concept that you will learn about in this post. OK, let’s get started with circular buffers.

A common problem when you are receiving or transmitting a lot of data is that you need to buffer it up. For example, let’s say you want to transmit 50 bytes of data. You have to write the bytes one-by-one into the peripheral’s data register to send it out. Every time you write a byte, you have to wait until it has transmitted before writing the next byte. (Note: Some microcontroller peripherals have a hardware buffer so you can write up to 16 [for example] bytes before you have to wait, but that hardware buffer can still fill up, so this concept I’m describing still applies)

A typical busy loop sending the data would look like this:

char data[50]; // filled with data you're transmitting

for (int x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
    while (peripheral_is_busy());

This loop is simple. For each of the 50 bytes, it first waits until the peripheral isn’t busy, then tells the peripheral to send it. You can imagine what implementations of the peripheral_is_busy() and peripheral_send_byte() functions might look like.

While you’re transmitting these 50 bytes, the rest of your program can’t run because you’re busy in this loop making sure all of the bytes are sent correctly. What a waste, especially if the data transmission rate is much slower than your microcontroller! (Typically, that will be the case.) There are so many more important tasks your microcontroller could be doing in the meantime than sitting in a loop waiting for a slow transmission to complete. The solution is to buffer the data and allow it to be sent in the background while the rest of your program does other things.

So how do you buffer the data? You create a buffer that will store data waiting to be transmitted. If the peripheral is busy, rather than waiting around for it to finish, you put your data into the buffer. When the peripheral finishes transmitting a byte, it fires an interrupt. Your interrupt handler takes the next byte from the buffer and sends it to the peripheral, then immediately returns back to your program. Your program can then continue to do other things while the peripheral is transmitting. You will periodically be interrupted to send another byte, but it will be a very short period of time — all the interrupt handler has to do is grab the next byte waiting to be transmitted and tell the peripheral to send it off. Then your program can get back to doing more important stuff. This is called interrupt-driven I/O, and it’s awesome. The original code I showed above is called polled I/O.

You can probably imagine how useful this idea is. It will make your program much more efficient. If you’re a computer science person, you’re probably thinking,  “Doug, the abstract data type you should use for your buffer is a queue!” You would be absolutely correct. A queue is a first-in, first-out (FIFO) data structure. Everything will come out of the queue in the same order it went in. There’s no cutting in line! (Well, unless you have a bug in your code, which I’m not afraid to admit has happened to me enough times that I finally bothered to write up this article so I’ll have a reference for myself.) Anyway, that’s exactly how we want it to be. If I queue up “BRITNEYSPEARS” I don’t want it to be transmitted as “PRESBYTERIANS”. (Yes, amazingly enough, that is an anagram.)

A really easy to way to implement a queue is by creating a ring buffer, also called a circular buffer or a circular queue. It’s a regular old array, but when you reach the end of the array, you wrap back around to the beginning. You keep two indexes: head and tail. The head is updated when an item is inserted into the queue, and it is the index of the next free location in the ring buffer. The tail is updated when an item is removed from the queue, and it is the index of the next item available for reading from the buffer. When the head and tail are the same, the buffer is empty. As you add things to the buffer, the head index increases. If the head wraps all the way back around to the point where it’s right behind the tail, the buffer is considered full and there is no room to add any more items until something is removed. As items are removed, the tail index increases until it reaches the head and it’s empty again. The head and tail endlessly follow this circular pattern–the tail is always trying to catch up with the head–and it will catch up, unless you’re constantly transmitting new data so quickly that the tail is always busy chasing the head.

Anyway, we’ve determined that you need three things:

  1. An array
  2. A head
  3. A tail

These will all be accessed by both the main loop and the interrupt handler, so they should all be declared as volatile. Also, updates to the head and updates to the tail each need to be an atomic operation, so they should be the native size of your architecture. For example, if you’re on an 8-bit processor like an AVR, it should be a uint8_t (which also means the maximum possible size of the queue is 256 items). On a 16-bit processor it can be a uint16_t, and so on. Let’s assume we’re on an 8-bit processor here, so ring_pos_t in the code below is defined to be a uint8_t.

#define RING_SIZE   64
typedef uint8_t ring_pos_t;
volatile ring_pos_t ring_head;
volatile ring_pos_t ring_tail;
volatile char ring_data[RING_SIZE];

One final thing before I give you code: it’s a really good idea to use a power of two for your ring size (16, 32, 64, 128, etc.). The reason for this is because the wrapping operation (where index 63 wraps back around to index 0, for example) is much quicker if it’s a power of two. I’ll explain why. Normally a programmer would use the modulo (%) operator to do the wrapping. For example:

ring_tail = (ring_tail + 1) % 64;

If your tail began at 60 and you repeated this line above multiple times, the tail would do the following:

61 -> 62 -> 63 -> 0 -> 1 -> …

That works perfectly, but the problem with this approach is that modulo is pretty slow because it’s a divide operation. Division is a pretty slow operation on computers. It turns out when you have a power of two, you can do the equivalent of a modulo by doing a bitwise AND, which is a much quicker operation. It works because if you take a power of two and subtract one, you get a number which can be represented in binary as a string of all 1 bits. In the case of a queue of size 64, bitwise ANDing the head or tail with 63 will always keep the index between 0 and 63. So you can do the wrap-around like so:

ring_tail = (ring_tail + 1) & 63;

A good compiler will automatically convert the modulo to the faster AND operation if it’s a power of two, so you can just use my first example with the “% 64” since it makes the intent of the code clearer. I’ve been told I have “a lot of faith in compilers” but it’s true–if you compile with optimizations enabled, GCC will correctly optimize my first example into the assembly equivalent of my second example. Looking at the assembly code that your compiler generates is a very valuable tool for you to have available.

OK. Now that I’ve explained everything, here are my add() and remove() functions for the queue:

int add(char c) {
    ring_pos_t next_head = (ring_head + 1) % RING_SIZE;
    if (next_head != ring_tail) {
        /* there is room */
        ring_data[ring_head] = c;
        ring_head = next_head;
        return 0;
    } else {
        /* no room left in the buffer */
        return -1;

int remove(void) {
    if (ring_head != ring_tail) {
        int c = ring_data[ring_tail];
        ring_tail = (ring_tail + 1) % RING_SIZE;
        return c;
    } else {
        return -1;

The add function calculates the next position for the head, ensures that there’s room in the buffer, writes the character to the end of the queue, and finally updates the head. The remove function ensures the buffer isn’t empty, grabs the first character waiting to be read out of the queue, and finally updates the tail. The code is pretty straightforward, but there are a couple of details you should be aware of:

  • I only modify the head index in the add function, and I only modify the tail index in the remove function.
  • I only modify the index after reading/writing the data in the buffer.

By doing both of the above, I have successfully ensured that this is an interrupt-safe, lock-free ring buffer (if there is a single consumer and a single producer). What I mean is you can add to the queue from an interrupt handler and remove from the queue in your main loop (or vice-versa), and you don’t have to worry about interrupt safety in your main loop. This is a really cool thing! It means that you don’t have to temporarily disable interrupts in order to update the buffer from your main loop. It’s all because of the two bullets above. If the interrupt only modifies the head, and the main loop only modifies the tail, there’s no conflict between the two of them that would require disabling interrupts. As for my second bullet point, updating the head or tail index only after the read or write is only necessary in whatever side of the queue is working in the main loop — it doesn’t matter in the interrupt handler. But if I follow that convention in both the add() and remove() functions, they can be swapped around as needed — in one program add() could be used in an interrupt handler and remove() could be used in the main loop, but in a different program, remove() would be in the interrupt handler and add() would be in the main loop.

OK, so back to the original example of transmitting 50 bytes. In this case, the main loop will use the add() function. You will add 50 bytes to the queue by calling add() 50 times. In the meantime, the microcontroller peripheral will interrupt every time it successfully sends a byte. The interrupt handler will call remove(), tell the peripheral to transmit the character it just removed, and give control back to the main loop. Later on, the transmission of that character will complete, the interrupt will occur again, it will send the next character, and so on until all 50 bytes have been sent, at which point the queue will be empty. It works like a charm!

The only problem remaining is that the first time you need to send a character, the transmitter isn’t running yet. So you have to “prime the pump” by telling the transmitter to start. Sometimes a peripheral will have a way to induce the first interrupt to get the ball rolling. Otherwise, you may have to add some extra logic that forces the first transmission to occur from the main loop. Since this technically breaks the “single consumer and single producer” rule, this one exception to the rule may still require some careful interrupt safety. I’ll talk more about that in a later post. The main purpose of this post is just to get you familiar with ring buffers and their inherent interrupt safety (aside from that one “gotcha”). They are very, very useful and very, very common. I’ve used them in drivers for UARTs and CANbus, and as I understand it, they are very common in audio applications as well.

I hope this made some sense. If it didn’t, I hope my next posting about UARTs will help clear things up.

Note: The information I have given may not be completely correct if you’re dealing with a system that has more than one processor or core, or other weird stuff like that. In that case you may need something extra such as a memory barrier between writing the queue data and updating the index. That’s beyond the scope of this article, which is targeted toward microcontrollers. This technique should work fine on microcontrollers with a single processor core.

These SIMMs (and programmers) are available for purchase here.

As you may have seen from my previous posts, I have developed a programmable ROM SIMM for older Macintosh computers and a programmer to go with it. Everything from the hardware design to the firmware is completely open source. The combination is pretty nifty and enables people to do all kinds of crazy things that previously weren’t possible.

I always figured that the 2 MB size of the SIMM was plenty — I never really envisioned using the custom ROM SIMM for anything other than customizing the startup chime. However, bbraun came up with an even better idea — a ROM disk driver! He has patched the IIsi ROM (which should be compatible with the SE/30, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, and of course the IIsi itself) to enable booting from a ROM disk that uses up the remaining space on the SIMM and also has some other tweaks like disabling the slow RAM test that the previously-listed machines perform on every cold boot. It works perfectly and allows you to create a 1.5 MB bootable ROM disk to append to the 512 KB IIsi ROM. It boots up extremely quickly!

After he came up with that brilliant idea, I figured I should maximize the potential size of the disk image. The 64-pin ROM SIMM slot has 23 address pins labeled A0 through A22. However, A0 and A1 are unused due to the fact that the data bus is four bytes wide, so there are really only 21 usable address pins. That provides for a total of 221 = 2,097,152 = 2*1024*1024 usable addresses. Each address points to 4 bytes of data, which provides for a total maximum ROM SIMM size of 8 MB. After taking into account the 512 KB ROM size, that would leave 7.5 MB of usable space for a ROM disk.

You can probably see where I’m going with this–I designed a bigger ROM SIMM!

First of all, I had to find NOR flash chips that ran on 5V and were big enough. It turns out that 5V chips are becoming harder and harder to find, especially in larger sizes. Everyone is moving toward 3.3V and lower. After a ton of searching, I settled on the Micron M29F160FB5AN6E2, a 5V 16-megabit chip that can be accessed in parallel using either a 16-bit data bus or an 8-bit data bus. It’s designed with automotive applications in mind, which probably explains why it still exists as a 5V chip. 16 megabits (Mb) is equal to 2 megabytes (MB). In order to reach the full 8 MB size, I need four of them per SIMM. I use them in 8-bit mode so each of the four chips provides one of the four bytes per address, just like how I designed the 2 MB version of the SIMM.

The chips are available in a fine-pitch TSOP package, which pretty much eliminates the possibility of socketing them. These chips really need to be soldered down, so this new SIMM requires my programmer board in order to put a disk image onto it. Here is the final product:


Quickly after I finished the new SIMM, bbraun updated his driver to work with a 7.5 MB ROM disk. So now it is possible to create a 7.5 MB ROM disk and boot from it. If you’re interested in buying one of the SIMMs and programmers (believe me, I have plenty to go around), you can purchase them here. As always, the 8 MB ROM SIMM is completely open source so you can make one yourself if you’d rather do it that way.

Some newer machines like Quadras have pads on their motherboards for these SIMMs–you just have to solder on your own socket. Unfortunately, it’s looking like they are hardwired to only address 1 MB of ROM space. Unless someone discovers a way to get around that, those machines will probably not be able to take advantage of the ROM disk. So for now, this ROM disk is restricted to the SE/30, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, and IIsi.

There are tons of instructions out there for setting up WordPress on a lighttpd server with WP Super Cache. A quick Google search will show you what I’m talking about. I’m not totally happy with them though — it usually boils down to enabling mod_magnet and using a lua script. It’s not too surprising that it requires a bit of trickery because the main instructions that come with WP Super Cache are designed with Apache in mind.

I’d like to share the setup I use on this blog, which takes more manual effort initially but no longer requires the use of a lua script.

I first obtained these instructions from a blog which no longer exists, but the original instructions are still available from the wonderful Internet Archive. Since the original page is no longer around in Google results, I feel like I need to keep the instructions alive. So…here they are, in my own words and modified for a newer version of lighttpd:

First of all, set up WP Super Cache for mod_rewrite mode. It’ll warn you that mod_rewrite isn’t installed and the rewrite rules must be updated — this is perfectly OK because we’re not using Apache.

Now, in the main WordPress directory, create symlinks to everything in the wp-content/cache/supercache/ directory. Here’s an example symlink command for the “2010” directory:

ln -s wp-content/cache/supercache/ 2010

I had to create the following symlinks on my server:

2010, 2011, 2012, category, contact, index.html, and microcontroller-lessons

Every time you add a new page with a root directory URL or another year goes by, you will need to add an appropriate symlink or else the supercaching for that page won’t be active–it’ll be served through PHP instead, so the site won’t break if that happens — it’ll just be inefficient.

OK. Now that you have that done, disable directory listings, set the 404 error handler to /index.php, and ensure that index.html comes before index.php in the list of index file names. That last one about index.html being in front of index.php simply ensures your main blog page is served supercached correctly. Anyway, this can all be done in lighttpd.conf:

server.error-handler-404 = "/index.php"
dir-listing.activate = "disable"
index-file.names = ( "index.html", "index.php" )

That’s it! It’s about as simple as it can get.

Is it perfect? No, not at all. It doesn’t matter if you’re logged in or not — if a supercached version of a page exists and you go to its URL, you will get the supercached version rather than a newly-generated version of the page–meaning you don’t get the cool WordPress toolbar at the top. So it isn’t smart enough to look at your cookies or anything like that to only serve supercached files to non-logged-in users. In my case, I don’t really care — I can still access the WordPress Dashboard and that’s all that really matters to me.

It’s also kind of annoying that you have to create a new symlink for everything that is in the “wp-content/cache/supercache/” directory, but I can live with it.

It appears to work because if a supercached version of a page doesn’t exist already, a 404 error occurs, which passes the request onto /index.php, which figures out the original request.

Thanks again to the (now defunct) Zash Blag for the original instructions. There may be better solutions available than this — if there are, please leave a comment! I would definitely be interested in trying them out.

Edit: With the latest kernel updates, this hack should no longer be necessary in Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10. I’m leaving this post in place for future reference if people run into the same issue with newer iPhone revisions as they come out.

Here’s the scenario: you’re using an Ubuntu distribution (perhaps 11.10 or 12.04 or 12.10, but I’ve only tested this on 12.10) and you’ve followed the various instructions around the internet for tethering your iPhone using a USB connection in Linux, but it just doesn’t work on your iPhone 5 no matter what you try, despite it working on an older iPhone model just fine.

What gives?

The problem is that iPhone 5 support was added to the ipheth driver in the Linux kernel in October, and that particular patch hasn’t been added to the kernel Ubuntu is using yet.

Look at the patch. All they did was add an extra item to the end of a static array. It looks exactly the same as all the rest of the entries, with the exception of a different USB device ID. If you don’t want to backport the patch and recompile the kernel module and all that, we could just modify the binary ipheth driver so one of the existing iPhone device ID entries matches the iPhone 5 instead of its original device ID. It’s a little more tricky to append to the array by just modifying the binary, so changing an existing entry in the array is an easier alternative. Let’s do it!

Make a copy of /lib/modules/<your kernel version>/kernel/drivers/net/usb/ipheth.ko and put it somewhere. We’ll mess with the copy, so leave your existing driver alone just to be safe.

Decide on an iPhone model you don’t need support for. In my case, I just picked the iPhone 3GS. In the code of the ipheth driver, find its corresponding USB device ID. For the iPhone 3GS, it’s 0x1294. Now, using your favorite hex editor (I personally like running HxD in Wine), search for that string, but reverse the bytes (unless you happen to be on a big-endian system like PowerPC). So in my case, I would search for the hex string 0x9412. Once you find it, confirm that it has 0xAC05 directly before it. This just confirms it’s part of the device ID table and not just a random chunk of code or data that happens to be the same. OK, so you’ve found it. Replace the old hex string (0x9412) with the iPhone 5’s USB device ID (it’s 0x12a8, so you will use 0xa812).

Save the file.  Manually unload the old driver if it was already loaded by typing:

sudo rmmod ipheth

Now, load the new one:

sudo insmod /path/to/new/ipheth.ko

Try plugging the iPhone 5 in now. It should be recognized as a network interface!

You’ll have to manually load this kernel module with the insmod command every time you reboot your system, and every time you install a kernel update, you should probably redo the patch on the latest version of the ipheth module, but it works! If you’re feeling extra clever, I think you could actually leave the modified version of the driver in place where the regular driver goes and add a line to modules.usbmap so it will automatically load the new ipheth module when the iPhone is plugged in, but I’m not going to get into that.

So there you have it: a quick and dirty way to make your iPhone 5 USB tethering work until Ubuntu either starts using a newer kernel or backports iPhone 5 support.

You can buy programmers based on my design from CayMac Vintage. SIMMs are available from Big Mess o’ Wires and CayMac Vintage.

I actually completed this project a few months ago, but never got around to writing a post about it. Now I’m ready to share it!

Remember the programmable Mac ROM SIMM I created earlier? It’s nice and all, but it’s extremely annoying pulling the four chips out of their sockets and reprogramming them one by one. Having to do that over and over again will get old really fast, not to mention the fact that you need an EEPROM/flash programmer. I recognized these problems and solved them by creating a USB programmer board for the SIMMs. You take the SIMM out of the Mac, put it into the programmer’s SIMM socket, plug the programmer into a USB port on your computer, and then run a program I developed that can write or read the SIMM. The software works with Windows XP and newer, Mac OS X 10.5 and newer (Intel only), and Linux.

The ROM SIMM is compatible with the following Mac models: SE/30, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, IIsi, and Quadra 700. Anything from that era with a 64-pin ROM SIMM socket should work fine. The Quadra AV models, some of which have a 64-pin ROM SIMM socket, do not work with the SIMM. The pinout is different.

Although there aren’t currently any automatic ways to patch in a custom startup chime (this is planned though!), this board can still be useful if you want to tinker with the Mac’s ROM or make a replica IIfx or IIsi ROM SIMM to make your SE/30, IIx, or IIcx 32-bit clean.

Here’s what it looks like with one of my programmable ROM SIMMs in it:

Credit goes to olePigeon on the 68k Mac Liberation Army Forums for creating the Jolly Roger graphic used on the SIMM and the programmer board, and for providing the 64-pin SIMM sockets (which are incredibly difficult to find). Also thanks to others on the same forums for giving me PCB layout tips and helping me debug a scary problem that turned out to be a software error (thanks ojfd, bigmessowires, and Dennis Nedry!).

The board uses an AT90USB646 microcontroller as its brains. It has hardware support for USB, which is pretty cool. I also added an MCP23S17 GPIO expander chip to give me enough pins to control all of the SIMM pins at the same time (the microcontroller by itself did not have enough pins)

I had to make a small change to the ROM SIMM to make it writable. On the first revision of the SIMM, the write enable pin on each flash chip was tied directly to +5V, forcing the chip to always be in read mode instead of write mode. In the new revision, I’ve repurposed one of the +5V pins in Apple’s SIMM pinout to be the write enable pin. Because it’s +5V in Apple’s pinout, it’s always tied high when it’s in the Mac (thus disabling write mode), but when I put it in my programmer, I can control whether it’s high or low. I think that’s originally what the pin was designed for (it’s directly next to the output enable and chip enable pins, so that makes logical sense). Anyway, my point is that my original ROM SIMM (which doesn’t have the Jolly Roger picture on it) is not compatible with this programmer. I only had 12 of those boards made, so there aren’t many out in the wild 🙂

Everything I’ve done for this project is open source, from the PCB layouts to the programmer firmware to the control software. I’ve made extensive use of other open source stuff for this project, so I should probably share everything that I used for creating this project:

  • Qt — a cross-platform library that I used for creating the control software.
  • QextSerialPort — a Qt library for interfacing with serial ports–I originally used a custom version that allows Linux device discovery and fixes a device discovery bug on Windows, but issues were fixed in the main project at some point. The SIMM programmer appears as a virtual serial port to the computer, so that’s why I use a serial port library.
  • LUFA — An extensive USB library for AVR microcontrollers. It’s really amazing. Without this project it would have been ridiculous trying to make the programmer firmware. It made it very simple to create a virtual USB serial port on the AVR.

All of the code, compiled binaries, and PCB schematics/board layouts are available on GitHub.

Important notes:

  • Don’t plug/unplug the SIMM from the programmer board while the programmer board is powered. I didn’t add any protection and I’m pretty sure it would be ridiculous to try to protect against that stuff. Just play it safe and only plug/unplug the SIMM while the programmer board is unplugged from USB. It’s OK — the programmer software stays completely happy if the board is plugged/unplugged while it’s running.
  • Make sure the SIMM is pressed firmly onto the board. Some of the SIMM sockets don’t perfectly fit the SIMM, but they should still work if everything’s pushed in firmly. If it’s too loose, I’ve seen some of the chips fail to read and write properly.
  • If you suspect something is messed up on a SIMM, the software provides an electrical test function to make sure none of the SIMM pins are shorted to each other (with the exception of shorts to +5V — sorry, can’t test that without pull-down resistors!). You can also click a button to electronically read manufacturer and device info from the flash chips to verify that they are responding correctly.
  • Just to be clear, this board is NOT capable of programming stock Apple ROM SIMMs. Those SIMMs use mask ROMs which are not programmable. If you’re careful, you may be able to read those SIMMs (do NOT try to do anything that does a write cycle, though–you may damage the programmer, the ROM SIMM, your computer, or any combination of the three). To be safe, only use the programmer with my programmable ROM SIMM.
  • As I mentioned earlier, the board is also not capable of programming my initial version of the ROM SIMM that did not have the Jolly Roger graphic on it. If you have the old version of the SIMM, do not try to program the SIMM in the programmer board — it won’t work and you might damage something.

I recently dug out an old KVM switch I was playing with back in 2005–the Linkskey LKU-UA02. It’s a compact two-output switch with two USB ports (keyboard and mouse), a VGA port, a speaker jack, and a microphone jack. It works great, but I was a little saddened after I got it and realized it had no Linux or Mac OS X drivers. It was still OK because it has a physical button for changing between which computer to control, but it also had a cool little Windows-only utility for controlling it through software or locking the audio output to a specific computer–and I couldn’t use any of those features from my Mac or a Linux machine.

In 2005 (a.k.a. my college days), I had attempted to write a control utility for it in OS X. I installed USB sniffing software on my Windows PC and recorded the USB traffic as I sent various commands through the Windows control program. I gave it my best shot, even going so far as to ask for a bit of help on Apple’s USB mailing list, but I never figured out how to get past a roadblock I was running into when opening the device in Apple’s I/O Kit. In hindsight, I was probably jumping into something just a little too complicated for my knowledge at the time. With that said, the best way to learn something in the programming world is to do it! It wasn’t wasted time; I definitely learned a lot about USB in the process. I actually believe that the device has something invalid in the descriptor for the endpoint I was using (a zero value for bInterval), and older versions of Mac OS X choked on that problem, so it may not have even been my fault–I think that was the reason I eventually gave up. In fact, if I look at the latest (as of this writing) version of AppleUSBOHCI_UIM.cpp, I see that it still complains if you try to create an interrupt endpoint with a polling rate of zero (it says, “that’s illegal!”), while the analogous UHCI controller code does not have this check.

When I stumbled upon the switch again last week, I decided to take another stab at it. This time, I decided to use libusb, which is better suited for the task given its simplicity compared to I/O Kit and its cross-platform compatibility. I ended up succeeding! Not only does it work in OS X, but it also works great in Linux and Windows 7.

The vendor ID of this KVM switch is 10d5 and the product ID is 000d. The chipset appears to be made by Uni Class, so it’s possible that other KVM switches use the exact same chipset (and thus may be compatible with my control software). In particular, some Googling seems to imply that the TRENDnet TK-407 has the exact same vendor and device ID, although it’s a 4-port KVM switch–I can see how the protocol would scale in that case to switch between four outputs, so I have left room in my code to allow switching between four outputs. Anyway, if you have a device with the same device and vendor ID, you should try it out!

Here is the code (just compile it with your favorite C compiler, remembering to link against libusb-1.0):

#include <libusb-1.0/libusb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

// USB vendor and product ID of the KVM device
#define KVM_VENDOR_ID           0x10D5
#define KVM_DEVICE_ID           0x000D

bool is_kvm(libusb_device *dev);
void print_usage(char *argv[]);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int exit_code = 0;

    // Make sure there is a single argument passed to the app
    if (argc != 2) {
        exit_code = 1;
        goto exit_err_early;

    // Convert the argument to a number
    char *endptr;
    unsigned long index = strtoul(argv[1], &endptr, 10);
    if ((endptr == argv[1]) || (index > 3)) {
        exit_code = 1;
        goto exit_err_early;

    // Initialize libusb
    int result;
    result = libusb_init(NULL);
    if (result) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize libusb.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto exit_err_early;

    // Find devices
    libusb_device **list;
    libusb_device *found = NULL;
    ssize_t cnt = libusb_get_device_list(NULL, &list);
    ssize_t i = 0;
    if (cnt < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get list of USB devices.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto exit_err_dev_list;

    // Look for a match
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        libusb_device *device = list[i];
        if (is_kvm(device)) {
            found = device;

    // Did we find the KVM?
    if (found) {
        libusb_device_handle *handle;

        // Open the device...
        result = libusb_open(found, &handle);
        if (result) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open KVM device.\n");
            exit_code = 1;
            goto exit_error_open;

        // Claim interface 1...
        result = libusb_claim_interface(handle, 1);
        if (result) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to claim KVM interface.\n");
            exit_code = 1;
            goto exit_error_claim_interface;

        // Send the interrupt transfer
        unsigned char transfer[8] = "\x01\x00\x00\x78\x01\x3B\x00\x00";
        transfer[1] = (unsigned char)index;
        int bytes_sent = 0;
        result = libusb_interrupt_transfer(handle,
            0x02 /* EP 2 OUT */,
            0 /* no timeout */

        // Check result of transfer
        if (result) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unable to send KVM switch message.\n");
            exit_code = 1;
            goto exit_error_transfer;

        // Print result
        printf("Switched to KVM output %lu.\n", index);

        // Clean up
        result = libusb_release_interface(handle, 1);
        if (result) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error releasing interface 1.\n");

    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find KVM USB device.\n");

    libusb_free_device_list(list, 1);
    return exit_code;

// Checks a libusb_device to see if it matches
bool is_kvm(libusb_device *dev) {
    // Grab the descriptor...
    struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
    if (libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unable to get device descriptor.\n");
        return false;

    // And see if the vendor/product ID matches
    if ((desc.idVendor == KVM_VENDOR_ID) &&
        (desc.idProduct == KVM_DEVICE_ID)) {
        return true;

    // No match, so false
    return false;

// Prints usage info about the program
void print_usage(char *argv[]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <index of KVM output (0-3)>\n", argv[0]);

I have noticed occasional error messages saying “Unable to send KVM switch message”, but despite the error, it still switches correctly. My guess is that the USB device disappears before I get a chance to completely close it. There may be a few small improvements needed in that regard, even if the improvement is just to always assume success at that point and not print an error message.

I plan on making a graphical interface (probably with Qt) for easy control in the future, but for now this command line utility works great! There are some extra features available in the KVM switch’s protocol such as automatically cycling between the outputs, fixing the audio port to a specific output, and determining which output is the currently active output. I haven’t implemented any of that extra protocol yet, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to do.

I do want to figure out how to do the equivalent task in I/O Kit at some point just for my own sanity and for some closure on the problem I had back in 2005, but it’s not high on my priority list. After my research into Apple’s open source code described above, I’m fairly sure that I still won’t be able to make it work on an older PowerPC computer at all. It will probably work OK with newer Intel computers, though. In fact, it would be interesting to test the libusb solution on a PowerPC computer to see if it works at all (my guess is it won’t work). So much to try and so little time!

As you may recall from the past, I’ve taken a Mac IIci and hacked a new startup sound into it. Then, later, I actually had a programmable ROM SIMM PCB manufactured that works with many Macs from the late 1980s and early 1990s. I have yet to talk about it on this blog, but I have also created a USB programmer for the ROM SIMMs. Maybe I’ll create a post about that later. My post today is about another startup sound hack I’ve just completed. I have a video below, so check it out!

I’ve moved on to the next stage of my Mac ROM startup chime hacking, toward the late 90s to mid 2000s machines — the New World PowerPC machines. These computers are powered by the PowerPC G3, G4, and G5, starting with the original iMac. They call them “New World” because they use a totally different style of ROM from previous Macs. They have a 1 MB boot ROM on the logic board which does the initial setup of the machine. The boot ROM also provides Open Firmware which gives them a lot of flexibility for doing things before the operating system has loaded. Open Firmware is capable of loading a file from the hard drive (typically called Mac OS ROM) which contains the rest of the ROM that older machines had on a mask ROM chip on the logic board.

I discovered that the startup chime on these Macs is also stored in the 1 MB boot ROM. I have several New World Macs, and they all have the exact same startup chime. I played around with the ROM from my G3 Blue and White by opening a dump of it as raw sound data in Audacity and found the sound, but I could tell it was compressed. After some detective work combined with lucky guesses, I figured out that the sound is a chunk of 58,548 bytes compressed using Apple’s version (IMA 4:1) of the IMA ADPCM compression format. The uncompressed sound is a 44.1 kHz, 16-bit mono sound that is just under 2.5 seconds long–so anything that is 2.5 seconds or shorter should work fine as a replacement. I’ve looked at the ROM from all of my other New World Macs, and the sound is stored in the exact same format in all of their ROMs as well. I would venture a guess that it’s stored in that exact same format in all New World Macs.

OK–so at this point, I knew it could be done. My past customization experiments have required hardware modifications to change the chime. These machines are different, though–the “boot ROM” (as I have been calling it) is actually a flash chip that can be programmed in-system. Apple created firmware updates for several of the New World Macs. The firmware update just re-flashes the chip with new data. I could desolder the chip, reprogram it, and solder it back on, but why bother if there’s a way to do it directly from software? So I grabbed Apple’s G3 Firmware Update 1.1 and inspected it. It’s just an Open Firmware Forth script that contains the new ROM data to flash to the chip. It has code for programming flash chips made by several manufacturers. I wasn’t very familiar with Forth (and still don’t know it very well), but I went through some excellent tutorials to get a basic feel for the language. The data to be flashed is encoded using a variant of Ascii85 encoding and there are several Adler-32 checksums to confirm the file’s integrity.

After mcdermd from the 68k Mac Liberation Army forums was kind enough to send me a few spare logic boards for my G3 (I didn’t want to mess with my existing logic board), I went ahead and injected my own chime into the firmware update file. This required encoding a sound (I used the old startup sound used by the Quadra 700 and newer 68030 and 68040 Macs) in IMA 4:1 format, overwriting the old sound with the new raw sound data, re-encoding the ROM in Ascii85, and recalculating all of the Adler-32 checksums. I also had to patch Apple’s firmware updater program to force the firmware to always update even if it thinks the firmware is already up to date.

I did the firmware update procedure in Mac OS 9 after patching all of the programs, and sure enough, everything worked fine! Here’s a video:

This technique will probably work for all other New World Macs–everything from the original iMac up through the G5s before Apple switched to Intel processors. Some of these machines never got a firmware update from Apple, though, so it may be difficult to figure out what the Forth script should do for controlling the flash chips in them. Hopefully it stayed pretty consistent across the various models, but I just don’t know at this time. It looks like some of the newer firmware updates no longer use Ascii85 encoding, so things definitely changed in the firmware updaters as time went on. Oh well–this is a start!

Someday in the (hopefully near) future I will document everything I had to do in more detail and maybe automate it with some scripts. Because I have to mess with both the data fork and resource fork of files, I won’t be able to automate it all on a Linux or Windows computer, I think. But I can at least automate creating the data fork that will need to be injected into the firmware update file and provide instructions for using ResEdit to patch the firmware updater utility.


I am releasing the code I used to patch the chime in the G3 Firmware file bundled with the latest version (1.1) of the Power Mac G3 Blue & White firmware updater. If you want to do this for yourself, download the code and compile it on a Linux or Mac OS X machine with g++. It’s a command line utility that can patch the original G3 Firmware file with a new startup chime. The comments in the code should explain everything. Use Audacity to make a raw 44.1 kHz 16-bit big endian sound file to encode using this tool. When you’re finished, put it onto a Mac and use BBEdit Lite to copy the data fork of the newly patched file onto the original G3 Firmware file. Finally, you will need to patch the firmware updater program’s data fork in order for it to recognize the newest firmware as a valid update file. See what I said in my 68kmla forum thread. Once that’s done, you can run the updater program. After the update is done, it may complain at every boot that the firmware update was unsuccessful. If this happens, just remove the firmware updater program from your startup items, or replace the firmware updater program with the original and reboot once more time.

BEWARE: If you have a G4 chip in your G3, this firmware update will disable compatibility with the G4, rendering your system unbootable without a G3 processor installed. I haven’t yet figured out how to integrate the G4 enabler patch that G4 upgrade kits included. For now, only do this if your system has a G3 processor in it.

BEWARE #2: Doing this procedure can brick your computer if something goes wrong. Do this AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Download G3ChimePatcher.tar.gz

I hope to make the process more seamless in the future, but for now, if you know how to compile code and can mess around with data forks of files, and you’re willing to take a risk that your computer might be bricked, it’s worth a shot. I do not have the knowledge to make this work on any New World Mac. For now, it’s only limited to the blue and white G3.

Hi again everybody! I’ve decided to combine two blog posts into one: a product review and a new article in my microcontroller programming series. It’s a new concept that I’d like to explore for some of my microcontroller programming articles–concrete examples using actual products. Let me know if you’d like to continue to see posts like this in the future!


Thanks to Newark/Farnell, I’ve had the opportunity to review several microcontroller development boards over the past year — see the product reviews category on my blog for more of these. Today, I will be reviewing the LPCXpresso OM11049 board. It’s a very simple development board with a built-in USB programming interface. You can plug it into your computer and use Code Red’s free LPCxpresso IDE to write code, compile it, and flash the resulting binary to the microcontroller. The microcontroller portion of the board is bare–it has nothing connected to the pins other than an LED connected to a single GPIO pin. The rest of the pins are brought out to headers. The idea is that you can create whatever circuit you’d like to use on a breadboard, plug the OM11049 board into your breadboard, and go from there. You can also buy a pre-made baseboard with peripherals already attached (1, 2, 3). For the purposes of this review/microcontroller series post, I’m going to stick with only using the OM11049 board by itself, though.

It comes in a plain-Jane envelope (forgive me, Grandma, for that terrible and inaccurate choice of cliché):

Here’s the board! It’s really long, and there’s a good reason for that. I’ll explain why in just a minute…

For those of you following the microcontroller series, you may be wondering where I’m going with this — it seems like a product review so far. What I’m going to do in the process of reviewing this board is walk through setting up a timer and GPIO as a real-world concrete example with code you can try out for yourself. In addition, I’m going to do it with interrupts, so we can see how to use a timer interrupt to keep track of time. This should apply knowledge you have picked up from my GPIO, timer, and interrupt articles. Ready? Let’s go!

The reason the OM11049 board is so long is because it’s actually two boards in one. The first half (on the left in the picture) is an LPC-LINK debugger, which appears to be implemented on an NXP LPC3154 chip. This half of the board is extremely useful because it allows us to program the contents of the microcontroller on the second half of the board without owning an expensive debugger board.

The other, more interesting half of the board is the target side of the board. This half of the board contains the microcontroller we will be programming. It has an NXP LPC1114/302 ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller. According to the microcontroller’s datasheet, it can run at up to 50 MHz and it has 32 KB of flash memory, 8 KB of SRAM, one UART, one I2C peripheral, one SPI peripheral, 8 ADC channels, and 28 GPIO pins. For those of you who have been following my microcontroller series, you may recognize SPI and GPIO. For now, you can ignore the UART, I2C, and ADC capabilities — I will talk about them in future articles. Anyway, as I just said, this is a Cortex-M0. It’s very similar to the Cortex-M3 that I have mentioned in previous posts. I really like these types of microcontrollers because they’re 32-bit, easy to use, and common enough to find forum postings by plenty of other people using them when you need help.

In the schematic (see page 34) for the OM11049 board, we can see that there is a red LED connected to pin 23 (PIO0_7/CTS) of the microcontroller. We will need to remember this when we start writing some code.

Just a quick sidenote: you may notice that the LED is not the only thing connected to the pin–there is also a 2K resistor in series with the LED. The reason the resistor is there is because LEDs are only designed to have a certain amount of current running through them. If you allow too much current to flow through, you will blow the LED. The purpose of the resistor is to limit the current that can flow through the LED. (For those of you who took the electricity portion of a physics class, you may remember that V=IR, or rearranged, I=V/R. The higher the resistance [R], the lower the current [I].)

So let’s get started and set up the programming environment! By the way, if you don’t have a USB A-to-mini-B cable, you will need one in order to use the board — it does not come with one. However, pretty much everyone has such a cable these days, so I can’t really fault the makers of this board too much for not including one.

Setting up the programming environment

Install the LPCxpresso IDE, open it up, and follow the supplied directions to register it. Got that done? Good! Now let’s move on.

First of all, we need to import the CMSIS library for the LPC1114. In the LPCexpresso window in the bottom left, there should be a section called Start here with choices such as New project and Import project(s). Click Import project(s). Under Project archive (zip) click Browse. I’m not sure exactly where it will default to, but you want to go into the “lpcxpresso/Examples/NXP/LPC1000/LPC11xx” directory and choose “”. This will install the CMSIS libraries version 2.0. Click Next, make sure CMSISv2p00_LPC1xx is checked, and click Finish.

What is CMSIS?

CMSIS stands for “Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard”.  It basically provides a set of functions and macros that are common between microcontrollers. Imagine you originally use a Cortex-M0 microcontroller from manufacturer #1, and then you decide to change to a Cortex-M0 made by manufacturer #2. A lot of the features between the two processors will be the same because they share the same microcontroller core. You shouldn’t have to rewrite a bunch of your code that works with the microcontroller core just because the two manufacturers organized their libraries differently. The idea behind CMSIS is to avoid the situation I just described by standardizing on the common functionality so it isn’t implemented differently in the libraries supplied by two different manufacturers. If you use a common peripheral like the SysTick timer (which we will do in this article–more on this later), you can expect it to work exactly the same between all Cortex-M0 processors.

It’s more than just that, though. The CMSIS libraries also include startup code that sets up the processor’s clock rate correctly and other similar things like that. They also tend to standardize how peripherals are accessed–the libraries tend to define a struct (e.g. struct LPC_TIMER) that contains all of the register definitions belonging to a peripheral. It further modularizes each peripheral and makes code easier to read. The bottom line is that CMSIS is a very good idea.

It’s not completely perfect, though. If you do SPI (for example) on a chip by manufacturer #1, chances are the SPI peripheral on the chip by manufacturer #2 has a completely different register layout. There’s nothing you can do about this — the peripherals are just plain different and CMSIS does not do any abstraction at this level. So you still end up having to write different code for that kind of stuff. Anyway, that’s enough about CMSIS. Back to the point of this article.

Continuing on…

Now, you’re ready to create a project for the LPC1114. Click on New project in the same bottom-left pane we used earlier. Click the arrow next to NXP LPC1100 projects and choose C Project. Click Next and give your project a name–I chose LPCXpressoTest. Click Next and choose LPC1114/302 as your target. Click Next once again. In the screen that comes up next, you should notice that the CMSIS project we imported earlier is chosen as the CMSIS library to link against. You’re done–click Finish to create the project.

At this point, you have a simple test project all ready to go. In the Project Explorer on the left, find LPCXpressoTest, and expand it by clicking the arrow next to it. Click the arrow next to the src folder that appears, and you should see cr_startup_lpc11.c and main.c.

cr_startup_lpc11.c is a default provided file that handles all of the startup process. It will load any necessary data from flash into RAM when the microcontroller first starts up, and it also provides default interrupt handlers for all interrupts.

We’re not really interested in this file, though — it’s pretty good without any modifications. The really important file is main.c. This is where we can put our own code. It contains the entry point where code will first start running. We’ll also create extra source files that implement smaller (possibly reusable) pieces of the program, so we don’t end up with a single huge file. But before we start coding…

What is this program going to do?

It’s awfully easy to just sit down and start coding (and I’ve done it many times when getting a new microcontroller board), but since I’m writing a tutorial, I suppose I should have some kind of a goal in mind so you know where we’re going. Here’s what this program will do:

  • I want to implement a timer system. Anything can register with the timer and ask to be notified after a specified number of milliseconds have elapsed. Multiple items can be registered at the same time, although we won’t do that in this program.
  • Using this timer system, I want the LED on the LPCXpresso board to blink slowly. As the program goes on, the blink rate will increase until it’s extremely fast, and then go slower and slower until it’s back at the original slow blink rate, and repeat the cycle.

Let’s start coding!

Let’s start by thinking about how to split this program up. The timer is its own complete system, so it should probably be completely separated from the rest of the program. That way, I can reuse it in future coding projects. I’m not going to bother creating a separate module for the LED because it’s so simple, although it would honestly be a good idea in a real program to split it up into its own simple module (even if it’s just a header file with some macros). The idea here is to eliminate creating a single huge file that implements everything. It helps separate responsibilities of the program and increase reusability.


Let’s start with the timer. We’ll start with the header file. Right-click on the src directory and choose New->Header File. Name it timer.h and click Done. Easy, right? With timer.h open, we’ll now think about what this system of the code needs to do. First of all, it will need an initialization function. It’ll also need a way for other parts of the program to register with the timer system. In order to keep track of everything registered with the timer, we’ll need to define a struct that contains all necessary info to keep track of registrations.

We’re going to store the timer registrations as a linked list. Something registering with the timer will provide a callback function that will be called when the timer is ready. We’ll also allow a caller to provide a pointer to something that will be passed to the callback. This could end up being useful for future applications, but we won’t use it in this program.

Finally, although the timer itself is interrupt-driven, we will want to use the main loop to manipulate the timer list, so a periodic task will need to check with the timer list to find any timers that have expired and execute their callbacks. Otherwise, we would have to cross the boundary between interrupts and the main loop. For example, when a timer interrupt occurs, we have two choices. If a timer is ready to fire, we could immediately fire its callback from the interrupt handler, or we could signal the main loop which would then handle it the next time it checked all the timers. In most cases, the second option is probably the better option. Otherwise, you would have to make sure all of your callbacks were safe to call from interrupts, and you’d probably also have to worry about modifying the linked list of timers from the interrupt (this tends to overly complicate the functions that add to and remove from the linked list). Plus, the interrupt handler would run for a long time, and shorter interrupt handlers are usually better.

My point is that we will need a function that will periodically be called by the main loop to check if any timers have expired and dispatch their callbacks.

With that in mind, here’s timer.h:

#include <stdint.h>

struct timer {
    volatile uint32_t ticks_remaining;
    void (*callback)(struct timer *, void *);
    void *callback_data;
    struct timer *next;

void timers_init(void);
void timers_check(void);
void timer_add(struct timer *t);

(Stick that code inside of the #ifdef and #endif that are automatically generated by LPCXpresso.)

The timer struct will be a struct that anybody registering with the timer will create. The calling code will fill the struct’s callback, callback_data, and ticks_remaining members, and pass the struct to timer_add(). The next member of the struct is used to keep a linked list. The main loop of the program will call timers_check() periodically to find out if any timers have expired. The callback member might look funny if you’re not familiar with function pointers. Basically, it just lets you give the address of a function to the timer system. The function will have the prototype “void blah(struct timer *t, void *data)” This is a commonly-used pattern for implementing callbacks. You tell the timer module what function to call. When the timer is ready, it will call the function for you. We’ll implement that code below so you can see it with your own eyes.

Notice that we made the ticks_remaining member volatile. This is because ticks_remaining will be updated by both the interrupt handler and the main loop, so it’s best to make it volatile to ensure all accesses to it always grab the latest contents from RAM. In this particular case, I don’t think that making it volatile will actually change the generated machine code at all, but it’s a good practice to get in the habit of doing, so we should make it volatile anyway.

Now, let’s implement the actual code that the timer uses. I’ll try to explain how this code works (it helps if you’re familiar with linked lists). Do the same type of thing you did to create the header file, but this time choose New->Source File.


#include "timer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "LPC11xx.h"

static struct timer *active_timers_head = NULL;
static struct timer *active_timers_tail = NULL;

void timers_init(void)
    // Turn on the system tick timer with an interval of once per millisecond.
    SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000);

// Call this function periodically from the main loop.
void timers_check(void)
    struct timer *prev_t = NULL;
    struct timer *t = active_timers_head;
    while (t)
        // Has this timer expired?
        if (t->ticks_remaining == 0)
            // Grab a pointer to the next item in the list.
            struct timer *next_t = t->next;

            // Remove t from the list.

            // Two cases:
            // 1) t is the first item in the list.
            // 2) t is not the first item in the list.

            if (t == active_timers_head)
                // t is the first item in the list. Set the head
                // of the timers list to SKIP t. As long as we do
                // this operation first, we won't mess up the
                // interrupt handler.
                active_timers_head = next_t;
                // t is NOT the first item in the list. Set the
                // previous item in the list's "next" pointer to
                // skip t, effectively removing it from the list.
                // As long as we do this operation first, we won't
                // mess up the interrupt handler.
                prev_t->next = next_t;

            // Update the tail pointer if the last item in the list
            // was removed.
            if (t == active_timers_tail)
                active_timers_tail = prev_t;

            // Do the callback for it now that it has been removed
            // and the list is in a consistent state.
            t->callback(t, t->callback_data);

            // No need to update "prev_t" -- it hasn't changed.
            // Move on to the next item in the list, using the saved
            // value of "next" from earlier.
            t = next_t;
            // This timer hasn't expired yet, so just move on to
            // the next item in the list.
            prev_t = t;
            t = t->next;

void timer_add(struct timer *t)
    // Append the item to the end of the list, so its "next" is NULL.
    t->next = NULL;

    if (!active_timers_tail)
        // First item being added to an empty list
        active_timers_tail = t;
        active_timers_head = t;
        // Item is being appended to the end of a nonempty list.
        active_timers_tail->next = t;
        active_timers_tail = t;

void SysTick_Handler(void)
    // Here is the interrupt handler that counts ticks.
    struct timer *t = active_timers_head;
    while (t)
        // If we can, decrement the number of ticks remaining.
        if (t->ticks_remaining > 0)
        t = t->next;

Okay. Before you panic, that was a LOT of code. But don’t sweat it. I’m going to go into detail about each function now. First, let’s look at the static variables at the top of the file. We defined head and tail variables to keep track of a linked list of timers. Head will be the first timer, tail will be the last timer. They will be NULL when the list is empty. As far as I can tell, they do not need to be volatile because the interrupt handler doesn’t ever modify them.


As for the functions, I’m going to start in reverse. Let’s look at the SysTick handler first so we can keep it in mind in the background as we look at the other functions. The SysTick handler will fire once every millisecond. If you’re familiar with linked lists, you will realize this is just a simple implementation of stepping through all items in a linked list. Each item’s “next” pointer points to the next item in the list, until the last item’s “next” pointer is NULL. It decrements the tick counter for each item in the list (but doesn’t decrement it if it’s already at 0–that would cause it to wrap around back to 0xFFFFFFFF, which would be very bad!). Pretty simple, right? Now keep in mind that at ANY point in the main loop of the program when interrupts are enabled, this function could fire. So we need to be careful about how we do things to make sure that the linked list is always in a consistent state while interrupts are enabled — otherwise the interrupt handler could step off the end of an inconsistent list and all kinds of weird behavior would happen. I’ve seen it firsthand in past projects when I made a mistake! I’ll explain what I mean when we look at the timer_add() function below.

Note that this function must be called exactly by the name “SysTick_Handler”. The linker knows that a function with that exact name is an interrupt handler for the SysTick interrupt. Also, as you may recall from my interrupt handlers article, the Cortex M-series are really cool in how they handle interrupts, so your interrupt handler only has to be a standard C function.


Now, let’s talk about timer_add(). It’s a really simple function that adds a timer to the end of the linked list of timers. If you don’t follow the logic of what I’m doing in the function, read up on linked lists (in particular, this is a singly-linked list). There are two possibilities when the function is called — either the list is empty, or it’s not. If it’s empty, both the head and tail pointers will be NULL, so we need to set those variables to both point to the item we will add. If it’s nonempty, we just need to set the old tail’s “next” pointer to point to the newly-added item and then update the list’s tail pointer to point to the new end of the list.

Let’s think about this function from the perspective of interrupt safety. We know that at any moment, an interrupt might fire that would step through the complete linked list. In order to keep the list consistent, we must set the new item’s “next” pointer to NULL before adding it to the list. Otherwise, an interrupt could fire after adding it to the list, but before changing its “next” pointer to NULL. If the “next” pointer happened to be some random uninitialized value, the interrupt handler would treat it as a pointer to the next item in the list and continue stepping past the end of the list, eventually probably causing the program to crash when it tried to access an invalid address, or it might end up in an infinite loop if it never happened to access a bad address. Either way, the behavior would be bad news. There would only be a small window of opportunity for a problem to occur (the interrupt would have to fire at JUST the right moment), but when you’re writing interrupt-safe code, Murphy’s Law always applies. Expect the unexpected!

Because the interrupt doesn’t ever access the “tail” pointer, we don’t have to worry about the order in which the tail is modified. But as I explained above, we definitely have to ensure that the new item’s “next” pointer is NULL before putting it into the list. The alternative to careful ordering of operations would be to disable interrupts while modifying the list–but if we can get away with not having to disable interrupts (which we can in this case), that’s the better way to go from the perspective of lessening your program’s interrupt latency.


Okay, this is the big function. You might want to open up another window next to this window so you can follow the code as I talk about it. I can’t really think of a great way to put the function inline with this text, so that might be the best plan of attack.

The basic idea of the function is simple, and it’s not too different from the interrupt handler. Loop through every item in the list, and find any timers that have a tick counter of 0 (meaning the timer has expired and it’s ready to fire). The trickiness comes from the fact that this function also removes such timers after calling their callback function.

Not only do we keep track of the current list item we’re at in the loop, but we also keep track of the previous list item. The reason we do this is to make deletions from the linked list easy. When you remove from a singly-linked list, you have to know what item was before the item you’re removing in the list. If we didn’t keep track of the previous item, we would have to write code to step all the way through the list again just to determine which item was before the item we’re removing. That would be a huge waste of processor time, so keeping an extra “previous” variable is a good way to fix that issue. For you CS algorithm geeks who like big O notation: normally, removing an arbitrary item from a singly-linked list is an O(N) operation. Because we’re already stepping through the list anyway to check all of the items, we’ve effectively turned the remove operation into an O(1) operation with the caveat that it’s performed inside a different O(N) operation.

This could also be fixed by making the list into a doubly-linked list where each item has both a “next” and a “previous” pointer (and thus a remove operation is always O(1)), but we didn’t really need that functionality in this program.

Anyway, if an item has expired, it is removed from the list by setting the previous item’s “next” pointer to point to the item after the item being removed from the list. Then, there’s special bookkeeping in case the head or tail pointer has to be updated.

The interrupt safety concern in this function is that the previous item’s “next” pointer (or the head pointer, if we’re removing the first item) has to be updated before ANYTHING else is done to the item being removed. That way, the list will be in a consistent state before and after that line of code. Before updating the previous item’s “next” pointer, the interrupt will step through the entire linked list and skip the expired item because it already has a tick count of 0. After updating the previous item’s “next” pointer to skip the item being removed (which is an atomic operation, so it’s safe to do with interrupts enabled), the interrupt will step through the entire linked list, but it’ll skip the expired item for a different reason: nothing has a “next” pointer that points to it anymore. Once nothing points to it, it’s definitely safe to fiddle with it as much as we want — there’s no way the interrupt will touch it. I hope those last couple of sentences weren’t too confusing — let them sink in until you follow completely, because it’s important.

Back to the rest of the function. Once an item has been removed from the list, we call the callback function on it, and then move on to the next item in the list, repeating the loop until we’ve looked at every item. The callback function might re-add the item to the list (mine does, as you’ll see later). Note: there are certain operations a callback handler could do to the linked list (mainly, removing other items from the list) that could cause problems because the loop’s pointer variables might end up pointing to an item that is no longer in the list. So in this implementation, please don’t remove items from the list inside a callback. A better solution might be to create a linked list of expired timers in the loop, and then go through another loop after the first one, calling each expired timer’s callback. I’m rambling now, but I just wanted to explain that this implementation is not 100% perfect, but it could be fixed. I didn’t want to over-complicate the sample code, but it wouldn’t be right to hold that bit of information back from you, so there you have it.


If you’ve made it this far, congratulations. You understand the most difficult part of this whole article. This is the last function belonging to the timer module, and it’s really easy to follow. All it does is enable the SysTick timer and its interrupt.

The SysTick_Config() function is provided by CMSIS, so you can call it on any processor that works with CMSIS. You can also see its source code (it’s in core_cm0.h in the CMSIS project). You provide it with the number of ticks of the SysTick timer that should happen between its firings. In this case, I called it with the parameter “SystemCoreClock / 1000”. SystemCoreClock is a variable provided by CMSIS that tells you the current clock rate of the processor in Hz (in our case, it will be 48,000,000, meaning 48 MHz — this is the default that the NXP-provided CMSIS libraries configure it for, although you can change it). It turns out that the SysTick timer also operates at the same clock rate (well, it can be configured for that clock rate, and that’s how the CMSIS library configures it).

By passing the value 48,000,000 / 1000 = 48,000 to SysTick_Config(), we are telling the timer to fire every 48,000 ticks of the SysTick timer. Since there are 48,000,000 ticks per second, 48,000 ticks comes out to 1/1000th of a second, or a millisecond. That’s how I figured out the value to pass to it.

If you’re in LPCXpresso and you hold down the control key, the SysTick_Config() function should turn into a link as you hover over it. Click with the control-key still held down and it should jump to the source code of SysTick_Config() in core_cm0.h — a nice little trick that I use all the time. You can see that the function sets the LOAD register of the SysTick peripheral, which configures how often the counter will reset. This is exactly the same feature I described in my article about timers when I said that some timers support the ability to reset their counters back to zero after a match. We end up with a repeating interrupt without having to do any cleanup work each time the interrupt fires. (To be exact, I believe the SysTick counter actually starts at the LOAD value and counts down to 0, rather than counting up to LOAD, but the idea is exactly the same–just in reverse.) Other than that, the rest of the function enables the timer and its interrupt. That’s really all there is to it.


I mentioned main.c earlier, but we didn’t put any code into it. Now, it’s time to get that done. Open up main.c. You should see some auto-generated CRP stuff at the top of the file (that’s for code read protection; leave it in place as is) and a pretty barebones main() function that has nothing but a loop. Here’s our new main.c after adding a timer callback function and modifying main():

#include "timer.h"
#include "LPC11xx.h"

#define LED_PIN  7

static uint32_t cur_delay = 1000;
static uint32_t direction = 0;

void timer_expired(struct timer *t, void *data)
    (void)data; // eliminates an unused variable compiler warning

    // Figure out the new blink delay
    if (direction == 0)
        if (cur_delay > 50) cur_delay -= 25;
        else direction = 1;
        if (cur_delay < 1000) cur_delay += 25;
        else direction = 0;

    // Reschedule the timer
    t->ticks_remaining = cur_delay;

    // Toggle the LED
    LED_PORT->DATA ^= (1 << LED_PIN);

int main(void)
    // No interrupts while we're initializing

    // Set LED as output
    LED_PORT->DIR |= (1 << LED_PIN);
    LED_PORT->DATA |= (1 << LED_PIN);

    // Set up the timer system and add our timer to it
    static struct timer t;
    t.callback = timer_expired;
    t.callback_data = 0; // unused
    t.ticks_remaining = cur_delay;


    while (1)
        // Simple main loop. Just check for any timers that have expired...
        // And wait for the next interrupt to save power.

The first function, timer_expired, is our timer callback function. It changes the delay until the next time it’s called, and reschedules itself. Then, it toggles the LED. This will have the effect of making the LED blink faster and faster, and then when the delay finally reaches 50 milliseconds, it’ll start blinking slower and slower until the delay gets back up to 1000 milliseconds, and then the cycle repeats. Recall that XORing a bit will toggle it. Also, remember when we said the LED was connected to GPIO port 0, pin 7? That’s why we’re referencing LPC_GPIO0, and that’s why LED_PIN is defined as 7.

main() is really simple. __disable_irq() and __enable_irq() are macros (well, actually, static inline functions that end up essentially being macros) that resolve to assembly instructions for disabling and enabling all interrupts. The reason we disable interrupts is to ensure we can initialize everything safely before interrupts start bombarding us. The meat of the main() function is simple. Initialize the timers, add our timer to the list (see how we set timer_expired() as the callback?), and then go into an infinite loop calling timers_check(). __WFI() is another static inline function that resolves to an assembly instruction that tells the microcontroller to wait until another interrupt occurs. It’s not essential, but it probably saves some power (and thus, heat).

Compiling and flashing

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the entire program! To compile it, right-click on the project and choose Build Project. Hopefully, you won’t get any errors (the Console and Problems tabs at the bottom of the window are useful for discovering what’s going on). Assuming it compiles correctly, it’s time to try flashing it.

Plug in the LPCXpresso board, and some drivers may install. Click the Debug ‘LPCXpressoTest’ button in the Quickstart tab in the bottom left corner of the LPCXpresso window. You should eventually end up with a screen showing you paused at the beginning of main() and waiting for you to go. At the top right corner of the window, you should see a button with a green arrow. This is your Resume button. Nearby, there are also buttons such as Step Over and Step Into, just like you would normally see with a debugger. Hover over them and read the tooltips to see what they do. Click the Resume button and your program should happily run. You should see the blink rate slowly speeding up until it gets really fast and starts slowing down again.

When you’re done, click the red square (Terminate) button to exit debugging. That’s it!

Future improvements

This program is all right, but I didn’t put as much time into it as I might have liked. Here are some challenges that I thought of in case you’re bored and feel like working on some programming:

  • Keep the timer list ordered by expiration time, so you only have to check the beginning of the list until you’ve found a timer that hasn’t expired yet. This would increase the time it takes to add an item to the timer list — it would no longer be an O(1) operation — but it would decrease the time taken by the periodic “check” function, which is probably a better optimization.
  • Keep a single global “ticks” variable that’s incremented by the timer interrupt handler. When a timer is added to the list, keep track of what the tick value was at that point (in a member of the struct). Then, just check the difference between the current tick value and the start value until enough time has elapsed. All of that calculation can be done in the main loop, so the interrupt handler does nothing except increment the ticks variable. That’s probably a better way to implement this timer system. I made the code a bit more complicated in this tutorial in order to demonstrate how much fun interrupt safety can be. If anyone is interested (and nobody feels like doing it themselves), I can show a concrete example of what I’m talking about. One thing to keep in mind is that the ticks variable will eventually wrap around from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0. If you use subtraction (now_ticks – begin_ticks) to determine the amount of time that has elapsed, the calculation should still come out fine despite the wrapping.
  • Remove all expired timers from the timer list before calling any callbacks, as I described in my rambling about the timers_check() function. If in the future we added a timer_remove() function that allowed a timer to be removed from the list before it expired, and a callback called that function, the check() function could end up out of sync with the list because the “prev_t” or “next_t” variable might no longer be correct. By removing all expired timers and getting out of that loop before calling any callbacks, the callbacks would be free to do whatever they wanted to the active timers list.


For those of you here because of the review, the LPCXpresso OM11049 board is pretty cool. I love the Cortex-M0 microcontroller on it. The really nice thing about this particular board is they don’t hook anything up to any pins (except for the single LED). If you want to design your own complete circuit, you can do it and not have to worry about pins being used by other devices on the board. That’s really flexible if you’re in the mood for wiring something up on a breadboard. If you solder some 0.1″ pitch headers to the board, it should plug directly into a breadboard. If you’re not into soldering, you can still at least play around with the LED or buy one of the baseboards. Seriously though, I’d recommend soldering the headers onto the board if at all possible. I think you could do some really cool stuff on a breadboard with it. You can buy it at Newark or Farnell.

For those of you here because of the microcontroller tutorial, I hope you’ve had fun with this. I wanted to move away from a bunch of theoretical stuff this time and show some actual microcontroller peripherals in action. I realize that the CMSIS code kind of shielded you from the inner workings of the timer, but I’m hoping that looking at the code of SysTick_Config() helped a little bit. If you take anything from this tutorial, I would say the most important part was the interrupt safety examples and my explanations for why I did things in the order I did them to preserve the interrupt safety of the code. If you understand those concepts, you’re well on your way to practicing safe, interrupt-protected embedded coding!

This is kind of an odd topic, but it’s something worth checking out. Let’s make it nice and simple. You’re looking for the JEDEC standards for RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash, etc. It might be pinout information or programming command sequences that you want to find. Where do you go to find it?

You go to JEDEC, of course. The problem is that JEDEC’s site is kind of confusing to follow. The first thing you need to know is that the standard for memory is called JESD21-C. You can order a hardcopy, but you really don’t want to do that. You just want a PDF, right? Well, you’re in luck — sort of.

JEDEC provides the standards for free download (as long as you register — no big deal), except they break it down into tiny sections. On the JESD21-C site, you can find download links to the Table of Contents, Terms and Definitions, General, Applicable Other Documents, and Differences between revisions. These are mostly summary things, but the table of contents is the most useful part. If you download that, you can find a list of everything JESD21-C has to offer. Section 2 — Terms and Definitions — is also very helpful, because it gives you some definitions you might need to know for pin names. Notice that sections 4 and 5 are not links. That’s where all of the important information lives! How are you supposed to get there? Keep reading.

Once you’ve discovered which standard you need in the table of contents (typically in section 3 or 4), you can find it by looking in the correct category under the sidebar on the right called “JESD21-C Standards”. Click on the section containing the standard you want, and a list of all standards belonging to that section will come up. Find the correct one and, after logging in, download it!

It’s great that JEDEC provides all of these standards for free download. I do honestly think it’s a bit annoying that they break it up into tiny sections though. Why not offer one huge PDF containing it all? I guess you could manually download every document and use a PDF editor to combine them all into a single PDF if you want.

Example search:

I’ve been using the SST39SF040 in my programmable Mac ROM SIMM project. I know that the datasheet for the chip contains everything I need to know, but I was curious about what the standard had to say. The SST39SF040 is a 4 megabit (512K x8) flash chip. In particular, I’m using the variant that comes in a PLCC32 form factor. It doesn’t have a separate VPP programming pin — the only power supplied is through VCC. This means it’s a “single supply” chip, as opposed to a “dual supply” chip. Although it’s sectored flash rather than byte-erasable EEPROM, the info about EEPROMs still mostly applies.

So first of all, I find the section on EEPROMs — section 3.5. In addition, I know it’s a byte-wide chip (x8), so I know I’m going to be looking under section 3.5.1.

Next, I just skim all of the sections underneath 3.5.1 until I find section — 128K to 512K by 8 Single-Supply EEPROM Family in DIP RCC and TSOP1. That’s the one I need! (RCC is pretty much another name for PLCC in this case) So I download the JESD21-C section 3.5.1 document from JEDEC’s site, and sure enough, there’s the pinout — and it matches what the SST39SF040’s datasheet says. The only really noticeable difference is that JEDEC uses the terms E, G, and W in place of the more-commonly-seen CE, OE, and WE. This is all explained in the Terms and Definitions document, though.


I hope this helps someone else out there who is trying to navigate the JEDEC specs. There are a lot of them, but once you know where to go on JEDEC’s site, it’s not too bad.