Microcontroller lessons
I’ve dabbled with some posts about getting started with microcontroller programming. This page serves as a place where you can find all of these lessons. Here’s the complete list of them. I suggest you at least start with the first one because it introduces the idea behind these posts:
- Microcontroller programming for higher-level programmers
- Microcontrollers: Memory-mapped peripherals
- Microcontrollers: GPIO
- Microcontrollers: Interrupts
- Microcontrollers: Timers
- Microcontrollers: Interrupt handlers
- Microcontrollers: SPI
- Microcontrollers: SPI (Part 2)
- Microcontrollers: GPIO/Timers/Interrupts example and LPCXpresso LPC1114 review
- Microcontrollers: Interrupt-safe ring buffers
- Microcontrollers: UARTs