The last couple of electronics repairs I’ve written about on this blog were both quite involved. Fixing stuff doesn’t always involve crazy rabbit holes though! Here’s a quicker fix that I recently performed.
Fitting in with my recent trend of repairing video capture/camera devices, this time I found a non-working NZXT Signal 4K30 HDMI capture device on eBay. The description of the item was: Tested and the unit powers on, but is not detected by NZXT Cam software. Unable to test further due to this.
When I received it, I replicated exactly what the listing said. The white light on the front turned on, but then nothing happened. No USB device was detected by my computer at all. Opening it up, I was able to get an idea of the overall architecture. Someone else has also torn this device down, so I didn’t have to start completely from scratch.
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